Is Rom.1:18 - Rom:3-20 talking about everyone? Are all suppressing the truth?
In this episode, we discuss a question in regards to specificity of Jesus, or the Messiah in the OT, and whether they had to know of and believe in the promise of future Jesus, or a future Messiah.
How to approach people with the UW.
In this episode we play a short clip from Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapter, and Real Life ministries. We discuss Inclusivism and the Unpardonable Sin.
Discussing how we came through Romans 9, Part 2, and the problems we had in the past, and some of the spiritual shadows in verse 7 - 13.
In this episode we continue our exegesis of Romans 9, moving through verse 6 - 13. This is one of thee most critical sections in understanding the entire chapter!
In this mini, we go into detail on the previous promises made to "Israel" that Paul will go on to talk about in Romans 9:6. Were these promises unconditional and to a specific physical people?