We answer a question we received on Facebook regarding the guilt of past sins, and how those could effect others.
More on Theology Proper - looking at how God is life, Light, and our Refuge.
If Christ paid for all sin, for everyone, and then they don't believe, and "pay" for their sin themselves, is that double payment or double jeopardy?
In this episode, we look at favoritism, and how Scripture teaches that God is impartial, and does not show favoritism, and commands us to be the same way. How is this possible, when there seems to be areas where God has shown favoritism?
Hoes does God's love relate to being disciplined by Him? What's the point? How is it loving?
Going deeply into how God is love, how His love is described and explained, and why it is so critical for us to understand His type of love.
A rather different look on the Trinity, and how we see it through the scripture.